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To Stay in NHS one must adhere to the bylaws:

Article I: Membership

Membership in the National Honor Society is both an honor and a responsibility. Students selected for membership are expected to continue to demonstrate the qualities of scholarship, leadership, character, and service by which they were selected. Failure to maintain a 90 average for two consecutive quarters shall result in a written warning. After three quarters with an average under 90, the member shall be dismissed. Failure to demonstrate leadership, character, or service shall result in a written warning, then a conference with the adviser, next a period of time to rectify the existing situation, and finally dismissal from the National Honor Society.


Article II: Meetings

A member is expected to attend all meetings and events. Twenty-four hour written notice to the adviser explaining an anticipated absence from a meeting is required. Members are exempt from giving a written notification if they are absent from school for sickness on the day of a meeting.  Members unable to attend events are expected to find coverage. Athletes or musicians with obligations are still expected to attend all meetings. After a second and third absence, a student will be notified of his/her attendance status. Upon the forth absence, a student will be notified in writing of his/her dismissal from the National Honor Society.


Article III: Officers


  • Conducts meetings

  • Plans agendas with vice president

  • Acts as spokesperson for NHS at school for NHS related events

  • Acts as direct NHS representative to principal, PTO, and school board when necessary

  • Speaks at NHS induction ceremony

  • Works directly with and is answerable to NHS advisors

  • Assumes all duties and responsibilities that may occur during the year

Vice President:

  • Conducts meetings in presidents absence

  • Plans agendas with president

  • Works directly with and is answerable to NHS advisors

  • Assists president with duties related to NHS


  • Acts as official recorder for all information regarding NHS

  • Records minutes of membership meetings and sees to their publication and distribution in a timely fashion

  • Aids in the planning of all social events

  • Communicates with parents and community members as needed

  • Works directly with and is answerable to NHS advisors


  • Responsible for all financial dealings assiciated with NHS (fills out appropriate forms to withdrawl and deposit money from/to NHS account)

  • Records all financial transactions

  • Works directly with and is answerable to NHS advisors


  • Keeps accurate records regarding all NHS communications

  • Archives all manuals, procedures, and programs to be used for future NHS advisors and/or members

  • Maintains NHS webpage

  • Takes pictures at events

  • Works directly with and is answerable to NHS advisors


Article IV: Elections

Individuals interested in submitting their names for election must have a minimum of active service in the National Honor Society. Elections will take place at a specially scheduled meeting in May. New officers will begin to learn their roles in June and take over as officers for the rest school year.


Article V: Service

All members are required to participate in fundraising and community service events. Failure to preform the required school and community service shall be grounds for dismissal from the National Honor Society​.


Website Made By Sydney Pettey

Acquired By Aubrey Pettey

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